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Woman walking pet is attacked by loose dogs

A Del Sur woman out walking her pets was attacked by loose dogs. As a result, she had to have stitches in her hand and one of her Golden Retrievers was injured.

SAN DIEGO (CBS 8) - A Del Sur woman out walking her pets was attacked by loose dogs. As a result, she had to have stitches in her hand and one of her Golden Retrievers was injured.

And to make matters worse, no one seemed to be taking responsibly. But now, the dogs' owner has come forward.

It all happened near a sidewalk where Ruth Loucks was walking her three dogs Wednesday afternoon.

It was a quiet day in a quiet neighborhood when things turned violent.

"One of my dogs was attacked by a pit bull mix and a black lab mix," she said.

Her three-year-old golden retriever Marley is still shaking, still terrified the day after the attack.

"It went for the little dog and immediately grabbed him by the neck and started shaking him," Loucks continued.

It happened so fast for Loucks, but when she tried to intervene she was bit in the hand.

"I thought either my dog was going to die or I'm going to die or we're both going to die," said added.

Little Marley was still being mauled when a Poway bus driver stopped to throw water on the pit bull mix.

A relative of its owner then came over but not for long.

"He picks up his dog and walks away without so much as a word," said Loucks.

Loucks and Marley are recovering Thursday, but she's just thankful she didn't bring along her other walking partner this one time.

"If I had my one year old granddaughter who's to say they wouldn't attack her?" said Loucks.

Police responded to the scene of the attack, however it does not appear the attacking dogs will be taken from their owners.

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