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Your Stories: Major bump in the road for Mira Mesa neighborhood

In Friday's Your Stories report, a News 8 viewer asked us to take a closer look at a mysterious road bump that seems to keep popping up.

SAN DIEGO (NEWS 8) - In Friday's Your Stories report, a News 8 viewer asked us to take a closer look at a mysterious road bump that seems to keep popping up.

Every time the mystery mound pops up on the street next to Eva Nograles' driveway, the Mira Mesa mom emails the city.

"All they do is patch it up - and that's it," said Nograles.

Eva said it's been happening over and over for about five years now. This time around, the bump is back and it's bigger than ever - to the point where just getting out of her driveway is a frustrating experience.

Eva's biggest concern is her son Keenan who has cerebral palsy and is confined to a wheelchair. Because of the bump, they cannot lower their van's lift when the vehicle is in the driveway.

"All the time we are wondering, what if it's an emergency? How can we move fast? We can't," she said.

Geologist Pat Abbott believes what's happening is not a natural phenomenon, but instead the result of a slow leak.

"Water leaking out of pipes hitting some dry clay minerals and those clay minerals take in the water and expand. That causes the ground surface to bulge up," said Abbott.

Eva's next door neighbor, Mark, showed Councilman Chris Cate the bump growing in front of his house and was pleased with Cate's concern.

"This is an issue, something were we as a city need to figure out the actual cause of these issues, for our streets, as opposed to repair it and have it be damaged again in a short period of time," said Cate.

If you have a story you would News 8 to investigate, send an email to yourstories@kfmb.com.

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