SAN DIEGO (NEWS 8) - A proposed ballot measure got a boost for its signature-gathering campaign Monday thanks to extremely low gas prices at two North County gas stations.
A Mobil gas station in Encinitas sold regular gasoline for $2.49 a gallon in the morning, while a Shell station in Carlsbad will sold gasoline for $1.99 a gallon in the evening.
Customers at both stations will be asked to sign a petition for a ballot referendum to repeal a statewide gas tax that went into effect last November.
The bill raised taxes on regular gasoline by 12 cents per gallon and 20 cents per gallon for diesel fuel, and raised the vehicle registration fee by 25 to 175 dollars, depending on the value of the vehicle.
The group trying to overturn the gas tax is led by former San Diego City Councilman Carl DeMaio and Republican gubernatorial candidate John Cox.
They say the hike will cost the average family around $700 per year with no guarantees the revenue will be used for its intended purpose of repairing roads and improving public transportation.
The gas-tax increase bill was supported by a group called Fix Our Roads, a coalition of business, labor and transportation organizations that say the extra funds will make roads safer and provide money for public transportation projects.
DeMaio and his group need valid signatures from nearly 600,000 registered voters in the state by May 21 to qualify the measure for the November 2018 ballot.