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SANDAG invites public to weigh in on Del Mar train relocation

SANDAG's Acting Director of Engineering & Construction Omar Atayee says Option A is the most expensive of the three and could cost up to $8 billion.

SAN DIEGO — SANDAG wants the public to weigh in Tuesday evening on where to move nearly two miles of railroad tracks.

It's part of the LOSSAN rail realignment project aimed at moving the tracks away from the eroding bluffs.

SANDAG has narrowed it down to three options, labeled Alternative A, B and C.

Credit: SANDAG

Alternative A goes along the I-5. It includes the longest tunnel of the three and would start in Solana Beach. However, it's also the most expensive route.

Alternative B is the straightest route, it runs through Del Mar.

Alternative C has the shortest tunnel and is closest to the coast.

Del Mar Mayor Dave Druker said so far, Alternative A appears to be the best choice.

"I think the citizens like the idea of it going out to the I-5, because that will have the least impact on them during construction and ultimately as the train is running. We need to understand all the impacts before we make a final decision," he said.

Tuesday's meeting was held at the San Diego Marriott Del Mar at 11966 El Camino Real.

"I think Alternative A is the one a lot of people in Del Mar favor," said John Spelich, who lives in Del Mar.

 Meanwhile Solana Beach Mayor Lesa Heebner says Option A will harm Solana Beach

"Alignment A doesn't pass the common sense test. It's extremely expensive," Heebner said.

She says she favors Option B. It's the straightest route and runs under Del Mar.

"We really need to be working together to find a solution that doesn't impair one city or the other. People need to get that message or else we're in big trouble," Spelich said.

Del Mar residents say Option B would run under homes and Option C would run under businesses. The CEO of the San Diego County Fairgrounds, Carlene Moore, fears Option A will harm the fairgrounds.

"When you're talking about a large cut and cover tunnel in essence right through the middle," Moore said.

SANDAG's Acting Director of Engineering & Construction Omar Atayee says Option A is the most expensive of the three and could cost up to 8 billion dollars. He says they've secured a grant to get through the current environmental planning process but don't have money beyond that.

"We don't have funding for design and construction. Looking for state and federal partners to help fund that," Atayee said.

Submit public comment directly to SANDAG, click here. The public can weigh up to July 19.


WATCH RELATED: SANDAG reveals three possible routes for Del Mar train tunnel



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