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Take control of your life | Imagine breaking unhealthy habits through hypnosis

Marion Weist of Foothills Hypnosis says hypnosis can help you shut down those mental and emotional background apps. Sponsored by: Foothills Hypnosis

LA MESA, Calif. — Imagine being able to kick your bad habits and make positive lifestyle changes all through tapping into your subconscious. Marion Weist of Foothills Hypnosis joins us to share how she is helping San Diegans take control of their lives by harnessing the power of the mind-body connection.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, hypnotherapy is a heightened state of concentration, where your conscious mind is quieted. Guided by a trained hypnotist, hypnosis allows you to be more open to gentle guidance to make healthful changes in thoughts, behaviors and emotions. Hypnotherapy may help with anxiety, panic attacks, smoking cessation, weight loss, personal development and confidence building.

“Our brains are sort of like smartphones,” said Weist. “Back in the day, when smart phones first came out, we didn’t know that all of these apps were running in the background. We would open this app and that app. There were so many things running in the background our batteries would die so fast.”

Weist says hypnosis can help you shut down those mental and emotional background apps.

“That is how our brains work. We have all of these programs running, even from childhood, that we don’t necessarily need running anymore.”

Foothills Hypnosis teaches self-hypnosis for self-help. They will train clients to use skills and techniques to focus so they can achieve their goals. Weist says she has seen her clients achieve successful outcomes, especially with quitting smoking and losing weight.

“In those sessions, we walk you through teaching your mind how to slow down and relax,” said Weist. “A half-hour of hypnosis is like getting a two-hour nap, but your mind stays awake and aware of everything that’s going on around you at all times.”

First Weist says that she must determine if someone is a good candidate for hypnosis. That is why she offers a free consultation.

If you’re looking to take control of your life and make positive changes in a safe and easy way this summer, call Foothills Hypnosis at (619) 916-7226 for your free screening.

Sponsored by: Foothills Hypnosis

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