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Butternut Squash Ravioli with Brown Butter Sage | Cooking with Styles

We served a lot of seasonal specials back in the day at Sante's in La Jolla, and this was one of my favorites.

SAN DIEGO — I used to work at Sante's in La Jolla, but Tony Bon Sante has since retired so the restaurant is no longer there. During my time there, we served a lot of seasonal specials, and this was one of them. The only difference with my recipe is that the ravioli is not Tony's mom's recipe.

Butternut Squash Ravioli w/ Brown Butter Sage

  • 2 packages butternut ravioli  
  • 1 ½ sticks of butter
  • 5 sprigs fresh sage, coarse chop.
  • 2 - 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • ¼ cup parmesan cheese
  • ½ tsp fresh ground black pepper

The hardest part of this recipe is making the butter brown and not burnt, it's a fine line. Start with a large stock pot of water with 2 tbsp. of salt on a slow boil. Since the Ravioli is fresh, they will cook quickly, follow the instruction on the labeling. 

Prepare the brown butter just before you're going to cook the Ravioli. In a large sauté pan on a medium heat add the butter and sage stirring gently while keeping a close eye on the butter. The milk solids will foam up at first and then cook down, at the same time the sage will release its flavor into the butter and become crispy. Once the butter starts to brown pay close attention, and as it darkens, remove from the heat as the pan will continue to brown the butter. Give the butter a minute or two and then add the garlic and stir gently. 

At this point go ahead and cook the Ravioli following the directions on the label. Check to make sure the Ravioli is fully cooked, drain, place the brown butter pan back on a medium heat burner, add the Ravioli, toss or stir, and then serve topped with parmesan cheese and fresh ground black pepper.

WATCH RELATED: Cooking with Styles | Burrata Ravioli

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