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Is violent video of motorcycle attack leading to backlash?

It's the motorcycle video that's gone viral on YouTube showing a group of riders chasing down a New York man in his SUV. Now that video may be causing some backlash against other motorcycle riders.

SAN DIEGO (CBS 8) - It's the motorcycle video that's gone viral on YouTube showing a group of riders chasing down a New York man in his SUV. Now that video may be causing some backlash against other motorcycle riders.

In the video, hundreds of motorcycle riders on the streets of Manhattan. Suddenly, an SUV clips the rear tire of a motorcycle. The riders surround the SUV, and the driver takes off, running over motorcyclists, paralyzing one of them. The melee ends in a brawl with windows being broken out and at least six people arrested.

"I think it was the Jackson 5 that sang that song about 'one bad apple don't spoil the who bunch of girls,' DJ Mike Halloran said.

Halloran commutes to work at radio station 91X every day on his Harley-Davidson.

"One of the reasons that people ride motorcycles is because traffic jams are just such a drag," he said.

He's been riding motorcycles for more than 20 years.

"For the most part, most drivers are pretty courteous, but some of them are downright, unbelievably rude," he said.

And whether it's backlash from the New York motorcycle chase video or not, Halloran says plenty of drivers don't like motorcycles, especially when riders cut through traffic or lane split, which, by the way, is legal in California.

"They're just upset. They're upset because it's going to take them 40 minutes and I'll be there and almost finished with my dinner by the time they get home," he said.

His message is to share the road and pay attention to all the vehicles around you, including motorcycles.

By the way, it is illegal for drivers to block a motorcyclist from splitting lanes either by moving over or opening a door.

On the other hand, the CHP recommends that motorcycle riders do not split lanes when traffic is moving faster than 30 miles per hour.

Some of the footage used in this video story was shot using a GoPro camera.

Watch video of the Manhattan SUV assault:


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