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The intersection of being Black, transgender and non-binary | One San Diegan's journey

CBS 8's Anna Laurel talked with someone at the intersection of being Black, transgender and non-binary.

SAN DIEGO — Non-Binary Awareness Week is observed the week of July 11 and raises awareness to the non-binary community, which includes anyone who doesn't fit the traditional narrative of male or female. CBS 8's Anna Laurel talked with someone at the intersection of being Black, transgender and non-binary. Their message - to uplift Black, LGBTQ+ identities, voices and experiences.

Court is a recent grad of the University of San Diego. This is a person who has faced their challenges head-on and who is ready to blaze a trail into the future. As a Black trans person, Court knows the odds are stacked against him. Court says, “Black trans women are endangered. It is terrifying. Unfortunately in our Black community we have a lot of transphobia. We have a lot of homophobia. There needs to be more awareness and more recognition. I'm a transperson and I look like a black woman. I'm a transperson and I present feminine.”

Court adds, “Supporting means correcting people when they misgender me. Addressing that I'm not a Black woman. I'm a black non-binary person. I use he/they pronouns. Addressing that I’m trans masked. But at the end of the day I'm just Court.”

There are reports that the life expectancy for Black trans women is anywhere from 19 to just 35 years old. Court’s own journey started when they were at an all girls high school. Court says his friends in middle school would say ‘you're going to an all girls school. You’re going to become a lesbian.' Court says he cried and asked their mom not to make him go. Court says, “Obviously that's internalized homophobia.”

Court says, “When I was in high school I was really really closeted. Funny enough, I was in love with my best friend and that is a common reality for a lot of queer kids.”

Court met their older sister’s lesbian friend, and something clicked. Court says, “This person is cool and this person is gay and if they're cool, maybe that could work."

But it wasn’t until Court came to USD that he came out to a friend for the first time. Court expected it to be intense, but Court’s friend only showed love and support. Court says his friend said, “You just told me this piece of information that doesn't change how I feel about you. It doesn’t change who you are.”

Earlier this year, Court decided to change his pronouns from she/they to they/them or they/he. Court says, “I don't need to feel put into a box because of what I look like or the way I present. I'm going to use the term non-binary and I'm going to come out at trans.”

Court feels support from sisters. As for Court’s mom?

“My mom was a little confused. I’m not going to lie. It took a while and it is still taking her a while.”

But Court has a grandmother who will never know. 

“She met Martin Luther King, Jr. Shook his hand. I understand that there's such a different generation especially with religion attached. There’s no way, honestly I don't think she could ever understand it. She gave me a pamphlet and it was all of the Bible quotes of homosexuality is a sin," said Court.

And that is another complicated piece to our culture’s misunderstanding of the LGBTQ Community. One Court hopes people will want to understand. Court says, “A lot of times when it comes to oppression, it doesn't bother them until it affects them and it shouldn't have to get to that point.”


Watch Related: "We do have a lot of trauma within our culture" | Hispanic LGBTQ+ activists raise awareness to issue (Jul 13, 2022) 


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