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Delivering the mail has become a family business at the Chula Vista post office

Mail carriers in the Pena family have carried on the tradition for three generations.

CHULA VISTA, Calif. — Members of a multi-generational family of United States Postal workers have been working alongside each other for more than 30 years.

It started in the 80’s and involves three generations of delivering mail, a family business.

David Frank Pena started working at the USPS 37 years ago when he was laid off from his welding job at NASSCO.

“Back in 1987, the 17 of February was my first day here at the Chula Vista office,” David Frank Pena said.

Seven years later, his son David E. Pena, who was a paralegal, wanted a better paying job and looked to his dad who suggested he work for the USPS.

“I said 'hell yes,' and took the exam,” said David E.

In 1999 his brother Saul, who worked for NASCCO with his dad, also switched to the blue uniform. His brother Helaman joined in 2004.

“When I came over here my two brothers, my dad working on the tent side, and I was hired to work in El Cajon. My dad and my brothers talked to the postmaster and they sent me to Chula Vista," said Helaman.

Another lay off in the family led David E.’s son, David Jacob, to carry on the legacy of letter carrier.

“I’m proud to work with my family and see them everyday, it’s fun to work with them,” said David Jacob.

Helaman’s son is also a letter carrier at the same Chula Vista post office and is attending SDSU.

As they sort the mail and packages, you’re bound to run into them ribbing each other.

“It’s the ‘United States Pena's Service’ not the Postal Service,” said Helaman.

Chula Vista Postmaster Henry Roberson, Jr., said the Pena’s are more than just a family.

“They go way above their job,” added Roberson.

The Pena’s have earned the nickname “Pen-OT” for their work ethic and loyalty to their job.

“We’ve been working USPS to ten hours every day for the past 30 years,” said David E.

His brothers Saul and Helaman are also Rural Carrier Associates who help fill in where help is needed to keep mail delivery efficient.

“I cover everything, if people who call in sick, people on vacation, emergency leave, etc,” said Helaman.

The boys grew up together, early on they carpooled from Tijuana, were neighbors, now co-workers, could they retire together?

“We haven’t thought about it yet,” laughed Saul.

The grandfather has since retired but admires that the family values he taught at home are instilled on their routes.

“One of the advantages of being a family is that if we fall behind, we are going to help each other. We are going to look for each other,” David Frank said.

Now the patriarch hopes the legacy he started will be carried down to the fourth generation of "United States Pena's Service."

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