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Families across San Diego start to budget for back-to-school costs

The average family spends almost $900 purchasing school supplies.

SAN DIEGO — This school year, on average families in San Diego County like Kristen Garcia's are expected to spend around $900 when shopping for school supplies. 

"So basically, a month or two before we put money aside. I'm seeing what fits my wallet better at the moment," said Garcia. 

Associate economics professor at USD Alan Gin says the rising cost in supplies can put a strain on families. 

"It puts stress on peoples budgets. the prices of other things are up as well, rent in San Diego is pretty high, and so people are stressed and this time adds stress to that," said Gin. 

According to LendingTree, seventy-three percent of back-to-school shoppers say they are stressed about paying for it this year. 

Garcia agrees, especially as more parents are being asked to pitch in for classroom supplies. 

"Of course, I mean you have to pick and choose whose turn is it to buy what, what can we hold off on. what's more important, this bill or their backpack," said Garcia.

 She shares a mom hack of hers, saying her family often buys their supplies in bulk on Amazon. 

"They like to sell things in packs, so if you have two kids with the same needs you might as well shop in packs and divide it in half," said Garcia. 

But when they do shop in store, they are aware of the brands they buy, all in an effort to stay within the budget. 

"Later on I can bring more supplies, but this is what I can do for now," said Garcia. 

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