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Concern over another large religious gathering planned for San Diego

'Saturate OC' said it's coming to San Diego on August 28.

SAN DIEGO — After just getting off the state's watch list, there's concern over another mass religious gathering that's scheduled to come to San Diego County.

According to its Instagram account, the group "Saturate OC" said it's coming to San Diego at the end of the month. Based on some of its previous events in California, it is expecting big crowds.

Earlier this month, Saturate OC held a worship service in Newport Beach. Hundreds attended the event. Some people were baptized.

On the group's website,  it states it encourages people to bring masks and wear them, but video from the event shows hardly anyone listened.

When asked if there's concern about unknowingly spreading coronavirus  - organizer and co-founder Parker Green told News 8's sister station in Los Angeles that people here have faith they won't. He also pointed out the recovery rate is high.

"People are far more afraid of losing their civil liberties in the long run than getting sick," said Green.

A similar event was also held previously in Huntington Beach.

The San Diego event is expected to be held August 28, though it's unclear exactly where it will be held.

"Religious services can happen outdoors. They just need to physically distance and wear a mask," said County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher. "If they do that, they can have any number of people they want."

Supervisor Fletcher told News 8 he was briefed about the group's planned gathering earlier this week.

Last month, a similar gathering at Cardiff State Beach drew a lot of attention. Hundreds attended the event and hardly anyone wore masks or practiced social distancing. No one was ticketed for defying public health orders that day. However, some may argue the event may not have had a big impact because San Diego's case rate has recently been declining.

RELATED: Thousands gather for outdoor worship service at Cardiff State Beach

Nonetheless, the county just got off the state's watch list. On Instagram, some commented Saturate OC is not welcome in San Diego.

"It's a very difficult situation to enforce because you're limited in terms of public health orders," said Supervisor Fletcher.

"You need cooperation from the local jurisdiction. You know, your hope is you can prevent something like this from happening before it happens, so we'll certainly monitor [it] and do the best we can," he added.

News 8 reached out to Saturate OC for comment but had not received a response as of Thursday evening.

News 8 also reached out to SDPD and the San Diego County Sheriff's Department to find out if an enforcement plan is in place. SDPD was unaware of the event and is working to find out if it will be held in the city. The San Diego County Sheriff's Dept. did not respond for comment as of Thursday evening.

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