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County and Padres team up to vaccinate San Diegans at Petco Park

The first 150 people who get vaccinated at Petco Park on Tuesday will receive a free pair of tickets to the Sept. 8 game against the Los Angeles Angels.

SAN DIEGO COUNTY, Calif. — San Diego County and the San Diego Padres partnered for a vaccination event at Gallagher Square in Petco Park on Tuesday, Aug. 24.

The first 150 people who got vaccinated at Petco Park on Tuesday received a free pair of tickets to the upcoming Wednesday, Sept. 8 game against the Los Angeles Angels. Free t-shirts were also available.

“San Diego County is incredibly grateful to the Padres," said Chairman Nathan Fletcher, who came out to mingle with people in line to get a vaccine.

This is the third time the County has teamed up with the Padres to vaccinate San Diegans at the Park. Two other vaccination events took place in June. 

The free tickets were enough to incentivize many San Diegans, especially longtime baseball fans.

"I drove out of my way to get here for the tickets," said Mario Salazar. 

The baseball bargain also convinced 25-year-old Francisco Tamayo. His employer, Kaiser Permanente, recently mandated the vaccine for its employees.

"I had the choice before if I wanted to, and I chose not to," said Tamayo. "Not mainly a good personal reason - I just didn't really want to, but now it is FDA-approved, so I guess it's good to go, and the incentives of course."

Salazar heard about this vaccination event from his stepdaughter.

”Everywhere you go, work or if you want to go to Disneyland, just like that, they're - a lot of places are kind of like forcing you get it, so I think it's just time," said Salazar, a baseball fan.

Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson were all available at the event. 

WATCH RELATED: Video of local woman throwing first pitch at Padres game goes viral (Aug 4, 2021)



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