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How Sandy became a ‘superstorm'

Hurricane Sandy began as an advisory on Oct. 22 in the South Caribbean, quickly moving North across Cuba as a category 3 hurricane causing multiple deaths.

SAN DIEGO (CBS 8) - Hurricane Sandy began as an advisory on Oct. 22 in the South Caribbean, quickly moving North across Cuba as a category 3 hurricane causing multiple deaths.

Once along the Florida coastline, Sandy began to interact with a continental air mass that started to change the dynamics of a typical hurricane.

The National Hurricane Center began to see the expansion of the wind field out much further than a normal hurricane, where Sandy began gaining energy from the temperature gradients that were wrapping into the storm.

As the cold air continues to fill in across the Northeast, Sandy will quickly change more into a nor'easter than a tropical cyclone. Heavy rain will continue for several days with more than 10" expected in many areas, and in the higher elevations more than 2' of snow is expected.

As far as hurricanes are concerned, Sandy will definitely go down as one tough lady and one for the history books.

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