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Community unites to help mother after Santana High tragedy

The shooting death of her son Randy forced Mari Gordon Rayborn to the streets where she has lived for the past nine years.

SAN DIEGO — Mari Gordon-Rayborn’s life fell apart after her 17 year old son Randy was murdered in the 2001 Santana High School shooting.

For nearly a decade, Gordon-Rayborn has been homeless, struggling through grief and loss.

Following a months-long search through the streets of El Cajon, CBS 8 found Gordon-Rayborn living in her small white sedan. 

After our interview with her aired, community members reached out to CBS 8 asking how they could help Gordon-Rayborn find a home and medical care. Now, there’s a way.

CBS 8 partnered with Home Start San Diego, a non-profit dedicated to preventing child abuse, and also helps people experiencing homlessness in San Diego find a safe and secure place to live. 

How to help 

  • The nonprofit launched a fundraiser to collect donations to support Gordon-Rayborn on her journey to rebuild her life and find a permanent home.
  • The donations go directly to Gordon-Rayborn and will help her stay in a motel until Home Start finds permanent housing.
  • You can donate here.

Community support

Home Start CEO Laura Tancredi-Baese says she remembers watching the chaos at Santana High School in 2001 and her heart broke when she saw our interview with Gordon-Rayborn leading up to Andy Williams’ parole hearing.

“Something to that magnitude is really considered a catastrophic trauma, a horrible loss that you didn't see coming and done in such a painful, horrific way,” she said. “You know, as a school shooting is, is, is one of the worst things, I think, as a parent and a grandparent, our worst fear that we could ever imagine.”

Remembering the tragic day in 2001 and its lasting impact inspired the Home Start team to find a way to help.

“Our goal is of course, to be that support that she needs,” Tancredi-Baese said.

Gordon-Rayborn was a mother, wife and nurse but her life was shattered in 2001. She struggles with medical and mental health issues. 

But today, as she works to rebuild her life, Gordon-Rayborn says she is beyond grateful for the outpouring of community support.

“It feels absolutely amazing. It’'s hard to believe but I really really really appreciate it and it’s amazing to me that so many people want to help me,” Gordon-Rayborn said.

Home Start

To learn more about Home Start and its mission to assure the safety and resiliency of children by strengthening families and their communities click here.  

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