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77 minutes | The tragic similarity between 2 mass shootings, decades later

Officers in Uvalde, Texas didn't go after the shooter for 77 minutes. The exact same time it took officers during a mass shooting at McDonalds in San Ysidro in 1984.

SAN DIEGO — At the time, it was the deadliest mass shooting in United States history. On July 18, 1984, 21 people were shot and killed in and around a McDonald's in San Ysidro. 

The first modern mass shooting

So, what have we learned over the past 38 years? According to a documentary film maker, not enough.

“That was truly the first modern day mass shooting,” said Director Charlie Minn. Between the first shot and the last, there were 77 horrifying minutes.

The shooter had three guns and fired hundreds of rounds. His victims included a little baby.

77 Minutes

The tragic massacre intrigued Minn to create his documentary, called 77 Minutes. 

Minn believes police failed the victims that day by surrounding the building, but doing nothing to take out the shooter. 

He said precious minutes were wasted that could have been used to get those shot medical attention. 

"The police are outstanding when it comes to surrounding and containing, but while you do that, innocent people are getting blown way,” Minn said. “Every second is critical. You gotta get your rear end in there and address the target.”

The strategy to immediately address the threat wasn't in place back then, but it is now. At least it's supposed to be. 

Officers in Uvalde, Texas showed otherwise last May. Ironically, police didn't go after the shooter for 77 minutes, the exact same time it took in San Ysidro.

“If you sign up for it, then show some guts and deliver instead of surrounding and containing and crouching and doing nothing... or checking your phone or using hand sanitizer,” Minn said. “I mean, really, we had almost 400 cowards in Uvalde. Cowards.”

Waiting costs lives

Minn is glad the video from inside Uvalde has been made public because he says it shows what's happened so many times before in mass shootings. 

From Columbine, to Parkland, to Pulse Nightclub, officers quickly arrive on scene, but wait to aggressively go after the shooter. A decision that costs lives.

Minn said this has to change. “When you're sworn in and you represent the badge, show some guts,” Minn said.

Minn's documentary on the San Ysidro massacre, “77 Minutes”, is available for streaming on Amazon.

WATCH RELATED: News 8's Carlos Amezcua reports on San Ysidro McDonald's Massacre in 1984 (Nov. 2019)

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