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La Jolla businessman 'Ace Rogers' charged with indecent exposure for confrontation at San Diego Marina

Following an investigation by San Diego Harbor Police, the City Attorney's Office filed charges against Ajay Thakore.

SAN DIEGO — A La Jolla businessman is charged with indecent exposure for his behavior during a confrontation aboard his Lamborghini yacht in March. CBS 8 was in the courtroom Monday for the arraignment.

“At this time, Mr. Thakore enters a plea of not guilty to both charges,” said the defense attorney in court on behalf of Ajay Thakore, also known as "Ace Rogers" on social media.

The confrontation happened in March when Thakore pulled his $4.5 million dollar Lamborghini yacht into the Marriot Marina and attempted to pick up a friend. That’s when Joseph Holt, who works at the private dock, told Thakore he couldn’t do that.

“I told him respectfully that he couldn't be there, and I honestly was hoping to have a conversation with him about his cool boat," said Holt. "But yeah, it completely went the other way.”

Holt told CBS 8 that the situation escalated quickly, and that Thakore threatened his life.

“He was saying I will kill you, like over and over and over,” said Holt.

The exchange was caught on video, and even posted to YouTube.

According to Holt, Thakore continued his vicious tirade as he threw hundred-dollar bills at him into the water.

"I'm a minimum wage worker," said Holt. "He was commenting on that on my status just because of my job. He was saying I'm nobody and I'm nothing, I work a silly job. He said that he knows people, he has connections, he can change my life and ruin it.”:

Holt did give Thakore the middle finger, but it’s what Thakore did next Joseph says upset him the most.

"He had dropped his pants and started to make gestures to everybody watching and me," said Holt. "You can't act that way in public it's just not ok. Especially threatening my life at the very least. There were women and children there that's the most important part.”

After an investigation by San Diego Harbor Police, the City Attorney’s Office charged Thakore with indecent exposure.

“Mr. Thakore has been advised of the charges, maximum penalties, and his constitutional as well as statutory rights,” said Thakore's attorney Monday.

Thakore was not present in court for the arraignment. The judge ordered him not to have any contact with Holt or two other alleged victims.

“Mr. Thakore shall remain free on his own recognizance on a condition that he violate no laws," said the judge at the conclusion of the hearing.

Thakore is due back in court on November 18 for a misdemeanor readiness hearing.

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