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No more masks, no more social distancing | The last weekend of COVID-19 restrictions in CA

The state will no longer require most of the COVID-19 restrictions put in place during the height of the pandemic starting Tuesday.

SAN DIEGO — Tuesday, June 15 is just around the corner. It’s the day most businesses will be able to operate much like they did before the pandemic began.

News 8's LaMonica Peters went to La Jolla to see what restaurants and their customers are saying about taking those masks off.

The hot weather brought a lot of people to the beach Saturday so News 8 talked to a restaurant manager who said June 15 can’t get here fast enough.

“We’re excited. It’s all about the two steps forward, no steps back kind of thing,” said Alex Steinau, a bar manager for Shore Rider Bar in La Jolla.  

There’s no turning back after June 15. At least that’s what the bar manager at Shore Rider is hoping. On Tuesday, the state will no longer require most of the COVID-19 restrictions put in place during the height of the pandemic.

“On the 15th, we’re going back to full capacity, standing at the bar. We’re not requiring masks for customers, but I think the staff will hang on to them for a little while, just for optics,” Steinau said. 

On Friday, Governor Newsom signed an executive order, removing the state’s stay-at-home order. There will be no more social distancing or capacity requirements and fully vaccinated people don’t have to wear a mask.

“So, as we began to socialize and slowly we take off our masks, we are near to June 15th and our governor said we can be more with our friends, be outside and operate with a 100% capacity inside, so I’ve been looking forward to it, always,” said Vipul, a Shore Rider customer. 

California will still remain under a state of emergency, allowing Governor Newsom the power to alter or suspend laws in the future if necessary. In the meantime, San Diegans seem to be ready for summer and doing their best to get back to their old way of life.

Steinau did say that a lot of businesses struggled to get their staff but employees are slowly coming back and he says they are ready to work.

WATCH RELATED: Gov. Newsom signs orders to roll back virus rules, Cal/OSHA releases revised proposed guidelines


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