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Councilmember Campillo family car hit by drunk driver with wife, infant inside

He pleaded with San Diego drivers ahead of New Year’s Eve to not drive while intoxicated. The request comes as law enforcement notices dangerous new DUI trends.

SAN DIEGO — Law enforcement officials say they see the biggest spike in deadly drunk driving crashes on New Year’s Eve and are urging people to celebrate responsibly.

This year, 1,000 people have been arrested for driving under the influence in San Diego County. With a busy weekend ahead, city leaders and law enforcement are pleading with people to think twice before getting behind the wheel.

District 7 Councilmember Raul Campillo and his wife, Nadia Farjood, are among the many calling on San Diegans to be safe this weekend.

Just before Christmas, the car the couple and their two-month-old baby were in was struck by a drunk driver.

“It was a shocking experience to live through," Campillo's wife Nadia Farjood said. "I've never heard a sound like that. It felt like a bomb had struck our vehicle we had spun around into oncoming traffic. And our two-month-old son was screaming in the back I don't think I'm ever going to forget his face."

“It’s still having an effect today," said Campillo.

The couple says they’re grateful to be alive to share their experience but says no one should have to go through anything similar.

“People need to take self-responsibility to understand what they’re drinking and how it’s affecting them and then to step up and say to their friends and family they’re not going to let them drive drunk because if they don’t kill themselves, they could kill somebody else," he added.

The San Diego Sheriff’s Department says about 55% of the people they’ve arrested for driving under the influence had a combination of both drugs and alcohol.

“We’re also seeing higher concentration of blood alcohol content, so not only people are consuming more of a combination but they’re also consuming more alcohol as well," said Lt. Nathan Rowley, San Diego Sheriff's Department.

City leaders call the combination of drugs and alcohol a concerning new trend in our county.

“The trend is not going in the right direction. This year alone we have already lost 30 members of our community to a drunk driver," said Summer Stephan, San Diego County District Attorney.

The DA’s office prosecuted more than 5,000 DUI cases in the past year.

Law enforcement says anyone caught drinking and driving this weekend will be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible.

“We hope story like ours will amplify the message and encourage those who have had experiences like ours to share it with their friends and family before going and enjoying the new year," said Farjood.

WATCH RELATED: San Diegans are consuming more alcohol than last year before they drive

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