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Chula Vista city council approves $1.25 million in safety improvements to reopen Harborside Park

The park closed in August of 2022 after it was overrun by homeless encampments, crime and drug use.

CHULA VISTA, Calif. — The Chula Vista City Council unanimously approved reallocating $1.25 million in funds to reopen Harborside Park. 

"The Harborside community only has that one park, and families and children and the neighborhood deserve to have a park," said Chula Vista Mayor John McCann.

The city closed Harborside Park back in August of 2022 after it was overrun by homeless encampments, crime, and drug use, much of which occurred right outside Harborside Elementary, which sits next to the park.

Now, nearly a year and a half later, it remains empty, following ongoing discussions over what should happen to the five-acre property.

"We did six months of public outreach, found out what the community was looking for. But, there were some other folks that wanted to build affordable housing, get rid of the park, and some of my council members wanted to look at that," said McCann.

Last month, the city council approved a plan to reopen the park as open space with added security measures, including new fencing, lights, security cameras and a ranger station.

"We're a welcoming city. a family friendly city and that's why we're happy," said Leticia Lares, a Chula Vista resident.

"This is really important that our community is being heard. and that we will be able to have a park for our community," Delfina Gonzalez, who also lives in Chula Vista.

But, before any of that could happen, they had to vote on re-allocating 1.25 million dollars in unused funds to pay for those improvements, which Mayor McCann says will ensure the park is safe for public use.

"We're also going to be having strict timeframes when the park will be open, when it will be closed. And no one will be allowed in the park after those times," said McCann.

Reaction from people in the neighborhood is mixed.

"I think it’s a good thing for the kids too and the community, gather more so together and be safer," said Winnie Johnson.

“I think they should open this up and call it tent city and let the homeless do their thing and build a better park somewhere else for the kids," said John Martinez.

As for what happened to the homeless people who used to congregate at the park, Mayor McCann says some have relocated to a newly opened shelter in Chula Vista.

He admits though, others have refused services.

CBS 8 drove around and found dozens of tents lining Industrial Boulevard, located just a block away.

McCann says helping solve the homeless crisis is a separate issue, one he and other city leaders are actively working on.

“I'm bringing forward to the city council that's already being analyzed, some banning of encampments. We, again, have a whole homeless outreach team that i helped put together. And we want to make sure that we get homeless off the streets, and they will have opportunities to get help,” said McCann.

McCann says it will be a couple months before that proposal is introduced. 

WATCH RELATED: Chula Vista city council weighs $1.25 million in safety improvements to reopen Harborside Park


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