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Chula Vista Mayor: 'We’re the only ones being asked to pay for a toll road'

Mayor Mary Casillas Salas wants the debt for State Route 125 paid off in 2027, the earliest date the loans can be refinanced.

CHULA VISTA, Calif. — Chula Vista’s mayor said there needs to be a plan for removing the toll on State Route 125. SANDAG purchased the 10-mile stretch of freeway in 2011 and the toll helps to pay that debt.

The mayor said removing the toll is a matter of social equity and both businesses and residents will be better off without it.

It’s the only toll road in South Bay and Chula Vista Mayor Mary Casillas Salas wants the debt for State Route 125 paid off in 2027, the earliest date the loans can be refinanced.

“Here in the South Bay, we have some of the most disadvantaged zip codes and yet we’re the only ones being asked to pay for a toll road,” said Casillas Salas. 

Casillas Salas also says SR 125 hampers Chula Vista’s economic development and some businesses have chosen not to move to the area because of the toll. The road was acquired by SANDAG for $341 million and as of 2020 about $182 million was still owed.

“If we refinance the road to pay off the debt, then there’ll be about a $40 million gap and that’s a delta that we have to find funding for so we can pay off the debt in 2027 and it can become a freeway instead of a toll road,” said Casillas Salas. 

SANDAG will have to approve paying off the debt and figure out how to pay for any money still owed after refinancing. They’ll also have to decide if paying off the debt is best way to go in the long term.

“Over time as a region, we’re going to have to look at how we pay for all of our transportation going forward. So, while we may be able to pay off this particular facility and eliminate the tolls, at some point how we pay for our roadways may include tolling going forward, similar to what you see on Interstate 15 today,” said Coleen Clementson, SANDAG Deputy CEO.   

About 54,000 drivers use SR 125 each day and tolls range from 50 cents to $3.50 each time it's used.

The mayor said she’s building a coalition of supporters for removing the toll from neighboring towns. SANDAG says it’ll work with Chula Vista, conduct more research and do what’s most equitable with SR 125.

WATCH RELATED: SANDAG adopts $160B regional transportation plan, removes mileage tax

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