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Eight sentenced in 'Antifa' prosecution over 2021 Pacific Beach protest riot

There were 11 defendants, many showed remorse during sentencing but not all for violent attacks during a "Patriot March."

SAN DIEGO — Many of the Antifa protesters apologized for the violent riot against pro-Trump supporters in Pacific Beach days after the January 6 insurrection in 2021.

On Friday, a judge finished sentencing the co-conspirators who will serve anywhere from eight years in prison to 180 days in jail.

“I want to apologize to the victims and the city of San Diego no one should be attacked for their political views,” said Brian Lightfoot.

Judge Daniel Goldstein considered remorse from Antifa members but sentenced the 27-year-old Los Angeles man to two years in jail for participating in the violent brawl against Trump supporters in a so-called “Patriot’s March” days after the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

“You need to be punished for your violent behavior,” Goldstein told Lightfoot.

Co-conspirator, 41-year-old Jeremy White, was also convicted.

The self-proclaimed Antifa soldier is accused of traveling down from LA and leading the group that violently attacked Trump supporters.

Police said that Marcayla Amadei who led the Trump rally was pepper sprayed, hit with a chair, and thrown to the ground.

The prosecutor read her victim impact statement in court with a message to the defendants.

“Despite your disagreements with Trump supporters, if you were to engage in meaningful conversations with us, you would find that we share more common ground than you might think,” wrote Amadei.

White did not speak today but when the judge sentenced him to 2 years in jail, White turned to his supporters and said “I love you.”

“I know going to prison was a very tough thing for him to come to terms with, I am very proud of him,” said Kyle Eleveld, White’s friend.

The judge said the tipping point was when White showed no remorse during his testimony in trial.

“Here’s your chance to say, ‘yeah, I’m really sorry for what happened, I’m really sorry for that woman who got thrown down, pepper sprayed, a chair bashed over her,’ I mean none of it,” said Goldstein.

Remorse was brought up throughout sentencing from defendants who spoke about violence at prior protests.

“Even instances where I've had my face smashed in the pavement and someone who has experienced violence, I should recognize that is wrong and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone,” said Alexander Akridgejacobs, Antifa defendant.

Lightfoot and White were just two of 11 people who were charged in the riot, nine plead guilty and sentenced to no less than 6 months in jail.

"You were consumed by hate rage and violence for political beliefs which is outlandish,” said Goldstein to defendant Joseph Gaskins.

Alexander Akridgejacobs, 33; Brian Cortez Lightfoot Jr., 27; Christian Martinez, 25; Ruchelle Ogden, 26; Bryan Rivera, 22; Faraz Martin Talab, 29; Joseph Austin Gaskins, 23; and Jeremy White, 41 received sentences ranging from 180 days in jail to two years in prison. 

Three other defendants have already been sentenced to state prison ranging from two years, eight months to five years.

District Attorney Summer Stephan issued a statement:

“From the start this prosecution has been about holding individuals accountable for conspiring to bring violence to our community, something we won’t tolerate. This was a complex case with all 11 defendants convicted. Our prosecution team worked tirelessly with law enforcement on this case to ensure our community remains safe, and that the rule of law is followed.

WATCH RELATED: Trial continues for 2 men accused of starting a riot at a 2021 pro-Trump rally in Pacific Beach


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