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SANDAG pushes proposal to extend trolley into Tijuana

SANDAG reviews proposal to extend trolley line into downtown Tijuana

SAN DIEGO — The San Diego-Tijuana region is home to the busiest border crossing in the Western hemisphere according to the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG).

The San Ysidro Port of Entry sees more than 90,000 drivers coming in and out on a daily basis.

"San Ysidro is the busiest crossing. We need solutions to facilitate that crossing. People can wait four to six hours or more," said Antoinette Meier, Senior Director of Regional Planning at SANDAG.

SANDAG is actively searching for solutions to those long border wait times.

They are reviewing a private sector study that proposes possibly extending San Diego’s blue trolley line over the border into Tijuana.

"One of the proposers submitted a concept that would extend the blue line trolley into Tijuana about a mile. It would terminate at a secure pre-clearance for customs and integration and would expand the San Ysidro transit center into a two-story world-class transit station," said Meier.

She says this could decrease wait times and reduce vehicle pollution.

But, how would it work?

"It would be very similar to the cross border terminal that connects to the Tijuana airport now. There is a pre-clearance facility where you need a passport card and be able to cross in either direction. The trolley would be extended about a mile, in downtown Tijuana. The customs and borders would exist on both sides of the border," said Meier.

Three teams selected by SANDAG will present their refined concepts to a panel of experts in September. The public is also invited to ask questions.

"It's one of a kind in the United States and there will be a lot of learning along the way. Providing an alternative for in and out of Mexico efficiently will have numerous benefits," said Meier.

If a proposal is approved, SANDAG will look into funding and design options, then begin construction.

If approved, the elevated trolley could be a reality in the next five-to-ten years.

SANDAG says another new concept includes autonomous shuttles.

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