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Has the City of San Diego caught up with its pothole backlog?

The city says it has repaired 14,000 potholes since the start of the year.

SAN DIEGO — Potholes have popped up around San Diego as storms have rolled through San Diego in recent weeks.

The city says it's making progress and has reduced its backlog of reported potholes by 80% as crews have repaired more than 14,000 since Jan. 1.

"I've seen them filling some potholes around here but they only seem to fill some of them and they tend to come back," said Christian Dameff.

Dameff recognizes that the rain isn't helping the road conditions but wants the city to take a different approach.

"I hope the city does more to anticipate these types of things and take a more proactive approach to it but it can be this one off patching type of thing. I think we need a systematic change. A plan if you will," he said.

The city says the Get It Done app had more than 2,300 pothole reports last month. As of Wednesday, there's about 350. These reports only account for some of the areas that city crews have found that need repair.

The city encourages you to report potholes in the Get It Done app. If your car has been damaged by one, you can file a claim and the city might reimburse the cost of repairs to your car. 

All claims must be made in writing, accurately completed, printed, signed by the claimant, and mailed or personally presented in hard copy format to:

City of San Diego Risk Management Department 

1200 Third Ave., Suite 1000 

San Diego, CA 92101

It's a good idea for drivers to attach any other relevant information and estimates for repairs. 

The city says drivers should, in their written claim, state justification for loss through repair estimates and photographs of the damage.

Drivers must file their claim no later than six months after the date of the incident or event.

WATCH RELATED: What you should do if your car is damaged driving over one of San Diego's many potholes (Jan. 2023).

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