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How high is the financial impact of 420 in San Diego County?

In 2019, just three years after marijuana was legalized, San Diego County collected $12 million in taxes.

SAN DIEGO — Many San Diegans are celebrating cannabis on Wednesday, April 20, or also known as “420.”

But as it’s referred to as a holiday, its big business for dispensaries and its one day out of the year that weed is truly celebrated among adults. 

"Restock of my supplies and they’re doing awesome deals because of 420 of course," said Gabriel Sevilla.

And for Sevilla, it’s more than just celebrating. He says these “flowers” help him with many ailments. 

"I get headaches, and I get anxiety,” said Sevilla. “I just like to relax after work,”

Jim Dickinson founded the Healing Center back in 2016 and it’s now owned by a Columbia Care, and he is a consultant. He says 420 is one of the biggest days for weed. 

"It's kind of like the Black Friday of cannabis so to speak,” said Dickinson. “You know how people line up the night before at department stores? They would line up all night if they were allowed to," said Dickinson.

Dickinson has been operating the lines since 6:45 a.m. and the lines, well they haven’t stopped since.

California legalized recreational marijuana in 2016 and many states have since followed the same path.

A recent CBS News poll shows, two-thirds of Americans want the drug to be legal under federal law, and the House of Representatives recently passed a bill to federally decriminalize marijuana.

While many people are growing more comfortable with the drug, there is still a stigma around cannabis, which Dickinson hopes will change.

"Many people who come here are coming for reasons that help them from sleep, to eating disorders, and anxiety,” said Dickinson.

And dispensaries like “T-H-C” helps San Diego financially. In 2019 just three years after it was legalized, the city collected $12 million in taxes.

"There is a cannabis business tax, it’s 8% and it goes to San Diego’s treasurer,” said Dickinson. “Every dispensary in San Diego does pay once a month there share of the tax,"

WATCH RELATED: California lawmakers push to reduce taxes on legal cannabis shops (April 2022)

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