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Israeli and Palestinian communities hold separate events across San Diego

Hundreds of Israeli-Americans caravanned throughout San Diego. Meanwhile, Palestinian-Americans held a vigil for the lives killed in Gaza.

SAN DIEGO — Separate events were held Wednesday across San Diego by Israeli and Palestinian communities.

At one event, hundreds of Israeli-Americans and supporters caravanned throughout San Diego in a massive show of solidarity for their loved ones back home.

“This is our way to give voice to over 200 people that were kidnapped and lost their voice. This is our way to give to over 1,300 people that were murdered, not died, but brutally murdered," said Israeli-American Guri Stark.

“We don’t sleep at night were just waiting to see what’s the next thing that happens. We are two people who are hurting deeply. And we need to show compassion and love and understanding when there’s so much hate and violence going on right now," said Israeli-American Tahli Hanuka.

The Jewish and Palestinian communities have been gathering in large numbers since the latest war between Israel and Hamas broke out over a week ago.

“I really understand that the Palestinians are suffering too, but there needs to be an understanding that both sides are suffering too," said Hanuka.

The only solution to this is to have peace. I don’t hate Palestinians, I hate Hamas," said Stark.

Meanwhile, at a separate event in Balboa Park, dozens of Palestinian-Americans and supporters held a vigil for the innocent lives killed in Gaza.

“We’re gathered here tonight the over 500 Palestinians in Gaza who were murdered by the bombing of the hospital. Over the last 9 days we’ve seen over 4,000 Palestinians killed with over 1,000 of those being children," said Jeanine Erikat from the Palestinian Youth Movement.

Both communities say they’re torn apart by what’s happening.

“We can’t continue to watch the genocide of our people that hasn’t just been happening the last days," said Erikat.

Both sides agree to keep doing what they can here at home to draw awareness.

WATCH RELATED: San Diego Sheriff Martinez talks about security concerns following Israel-Hamas war

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