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Rancho Bernardo: Living the dream

Guess who's turning the big 5-0, this year? Rancho Bernardo. A neighborhood so dynamic, so vast and so diverse, it can't be contained in one magazine. It takes two, because RB consists of two zip c

SAN DIEGO (CBS 8) - Guess who's turning the big 5-0, this year? Rancho Bernardo. A neighborhood so dynamic, so vast and so diverse, it can't be contained in one magazine. It takes two, because RB consists of two zip codes, 92127 and 92128.

The 92128, east of the freeway, encompasses the older, built-out planned community. The 92127 is the Wild West, where development still runs rampant. In the 92128, residents consider being upright a blessing. In the 92127, residents consider being upside down a way of life.

92127 dines on value meals, 92128, meals on wheels. 92127 has mellow dudes, and the 92127 has Mello Roos. The 92127 has Hooters, the 92128 has scooters.

I've been a resident of the 92127 for a quarter-century, but I'm quickly morphing into a 92128. I enjoy early bird dining, driving around with my turn signal on and getting those AARP discounts. My biggest turn-offs are much of today's popular music, my inability to use a smart phone, and getting up from bed more than once a night.

But RB is filled with wonderful people, folks I'm proud to call neighbors and friends. And the two ZIP codes that encompass this community are living proof that we can all get along.

And the best part about RB turning 50 is that in just five years, Rancho Bernardo will actually be old enough to live in Rancho Bernardo.

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