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The great debate

There was a lot on the line Wednesday night, when the two presidential candidates squared off for their first debate.

There was a lot on the line Wednesday night, when the two presidential candidates squared off for their first debate.

Political pundits from here to Poughkeepsie predict that this year's election will be decided by the winner of the presidential debates. It's crucial for each candidate to clearly articulate his vision and to resonate with the registered voters.

However, each candidate may approach debating differently.

No 1:

I believe that in a debate, you use a lot of big words at the top of the debate. Then you start cutting those big words, so that they trickle down to the bottom of the debate.

No 2:

I believe that in debate, you regulate the size of words. Use a lot of smaller words and redistribute them throughout the middle of the debate. It's a fact that although 47 percent of the American people use big words, only the top 1 percent actually knows what they mean.


We don't need more regulation of words that will only lead to higher syntax. Allowing regulation of words only slows down the debate and you end up with the kind of sluggish dialogue that we've had for the last four years.

No. 2:

It's a fact that big words only add to the number of syllables we already have. We've had too many big words for too many years. Most people don't use them and clearly can't understand them.

No 1:

Look using little words is nothing more than a bailout. In our country, we're speaking little words so fast that nobody hears them, creating a listening deficit. I say keep government out of the dictionary.

No. 2:

I can't say this any clearer, words create sentences and sentences create paragraphs, paragraphs are written on paper, paper comes from trees and trees create jobs. It's a simple as that.

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