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Mayor Faulconer signing order to allow worship and workouts in city parks

The order allows gyms and houses of worship to use City of San Diego park space for safe outdoor operations.

SAN DIEGO — As the region waits for clarity on when it is coming off the state’s COVID-19 watchlist and seeks guidance on how falling off the list will affect existing bans on local activities, Mayor Kevin Faulconer is moving is signing multiple executive orders to help San Diegans.

Mayor Faulconer said, "Being outdoors is practically a birth rite for every San Diegan, and we know from public health experts that being outdoors is safer than being inside in crowded environments. Let me tell you there is no better city than San Diego to take advantage of this fact. The executive order eases permitting."

On Tuesday, Mayor Faulconer along with City Councilmember Chris Cate announced executive action that aims to helps gym and religious institutions in the city. The order allows those particular businesses to use all 340 City of San Diego park space (including Balboa Park) for safe outdoor operations.

News 8 asked The mayor why it took so long to get this process going. He said he wanted to follow up after the county waived their permit fees in order to keep the city and the county rules connected. The county passed workout and worship at parks on Aug. 5, so now just over two weeks later city parks will be allowed to open.

Mayor Faulconer has issued two previous executive orders – one for restaurants and one for fitness businesses, religious institutions, and personal care services such as hair and nail salons and barbershops – that authorized businesses and organizations to expand operations outdoors in places like parking lots. Both orders were later cemented and expanded upon by City Council votes.

The news conference can be watched below.

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