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Memorial Day ceremony honors D-Day veterans, fallen soldiers

A large crowd gathered during a Memorial Day Ceremony to pay tribute to the men and women who served in the military to keep their memory alive.

MIRAMAR, Calif. — For the 13th year, the Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation hosted its Memorial Day Ceremony to honor the 80th anniversary of D-Day and the brave men and women who served our country and are no longer present. 

“We remain grateful to those wonderful men and women who came to fight in France during WWII to liberate our country and we owe them our freedom,” Consul General of France Julie DUHAUT-BEDOS said.

It's been almost eight decades since D-Day but the memories of those who were there are still vivid. In attendance were several veterans including Bob Wilson who is a Navy Veteran and served on D-Day. Wilson is 104 years old but for him, it feels like it was just yesterday. 

“A lot didn't make it back and they are your real heroes … those that didn't make it back. Those that made it back are mostly by luck and I was one of the lucky ones,” Wilson said. 

Filled with emotion, Wilson tells CBS 8 that those memories are never forgotten. That's why it's so important to honor those who didn't make it back. 

In a couple weeks, WWII veterans who fought in France, including Bob Wilson, will receive the legion of honor, its highest and most prestigious award in France. 

The Consulate General of France announced during the ceremony that a group of WWII veterans who fought in France will travel to Normandy in commemoration of the 80th anniversary of D-Day on June 6.

WATCH RELATED: 17k American flags wave at Miramar National Cemetery this Memorial Day weekend

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