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San Diego International Film Festival brings a power film documentary on empathy, finding your voice and your purpose called 'We Rise Up'

WeRiseUP The Movie is a culture-shifting documentary to articulate new emergent models around the concepts of prosperity, success and contribution.

SAN DIEGO — San Diego International Film Festival and San Diego Unified School District teams up to create a program for kids to bring movies from the film festival to schools. The San Diego International Film Festival is dedicated to creating empathy through the experience of film. We believe that film can be transformative. In a divisive world, we are bound together through human connection.  Race, identity, country, shelter, health, and economics are all elements of the human condition that can divide us. Through the FOCUS ON IMPACT program, the San Diego Film Festival uses documentary film to explore these complex issues — to create dialog, to encourage self-reflection, and ultimately to develop empathy. Through this program, students can take in new perspectives and determine how that information might change their own views and actions within their communities.

'WeRiseUP' is film that is going out this week and being live streamed through the County Office of Education. 'WeRiseUP' The Movie is a culture-shifting documentary to articulate new emergent models around the concepts of prosperity, success and contribution. Our current model of success is destroying the planet & driving billions of people to unfulfilled lives. WeRiseUP the movie and the movement is about giving rise to individuals and businesses that do good - and do well. 

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