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Motorcycle airbags becoming popular with U.S. riders

Television ads and social media are helping to grow airbags market share.

SAN DIEGO — Motorcycle airbags have been protecting racers for years by inflating inside a jacket during a crash on the racetrack. Now, airbags are catching on for recreational motorcycle riders, thanks to TV commercials and social media posts.

The airbags consist of an inflatable bladder inside a leather suit, jacket or vest. They can protect you in an accident.

GoPro video recorded in 2016 in the Bay Area showed a novice rider wearing an airbag vest. He got up after the crash and declared, “Exactly why I bought that vest. It saved me, literally.”

“A lot of people said that video is fake. It's an advertisement for the product, which is completely crazy,” said Patrick Schrickel, director of operations for HELITE Moto, seller of airbag vests made in France.

“It took a while, but I feel like now we're at a point where airbag technology is probably one of the fastest growing industries in this motorcycle segment,” said Schrickel.

The airbags use a CO2 cartridge to inflate the bladder split seconds before an impact.  They are triggered either by a pull cord attached to the motorcycle, or by an electronic sensor on the vest.

“You can reload the airbag instantly after an accident scenario and go back on the motorcycle with a spare cartridge,” said Schrickel.  Replacement cartridges cost between $35 and $85 depending on the vest.

The vests themselves start around $650 and list all the way up to more than $1,000, Schrickel said.

"In general, it's about protecting your upper body and the most vital organs. We focus on the neck, spine, and back protection to immobilize any head and neck movement in case of an accident,” said Schrickel.

WATCH RELATED: Motorcycle crash with rider wearing an airbag vest


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