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Neighbors rally for more security after another shooting at North Clairemont Recreation Center

In February, a 22-year-old was shot and killed and a 14-year-old was shot at the park in October.

SAN DIEGO — Neighbors in Clairemont are demanding action to prevent gun violence after a second shooting at a local park in the past nine months. 

CBS 8 was at North Clairemont Recreation Center when people rallied together back in February after a 14-year-old was charged in the shooting death of a 22-year-old. The shooting happened in broad daylight at the park while a youth basketball game was underway.

"I'm emotional because I'm a human being and we can't sit back and watch children get murdered. It's that simple," said Michael Pallamary, who organized Sunday's rally.

Pallamary is a grandfather who has lived in the area for more than 40 years. He organized the rally after the most recent shooting. At the end of October, a 14-year-old boy was shot in the leg at the park.

"I'm not stopping. I'm not going to quit. I'm not asking for anything but I'm demanding city hall and our elected officials get up and do something. Protect our children," he said.

He wants the park to be made safer. Ideas include adding more lights, security cameras, and putting up a fence on the canyon side of the park to help deter crime. People who live nearby are rallying in support.

Ryan Sweeney was home during this most recent shooting. He was reading his son a bedtime story when the shots rang out.

"It's unsafe. I have a seven-year-old son that I got to worry about taking to the park in our backyard. It's not okay this needs to change," Sweeney said.

The San Diego Police Department is urging community members to always report suspicious activity.

"We're doing our best to prevent the gun violence from coming to your community. Unfortunately, we can't do that all the time but are relying on you to be our eyes and ears out here," said Erwin Manansala, with SDPD.

The park backs up to a neighborhood and is right next to an elementary school. Neighbors are hopeful city officials will hear their demands and take action.

"Evil people prevail when good people are silent. we can't be silent. we can't afford to be silent anymore," Pallamary said.

A petition was put together asking for increased security at North Clairemont Recreation Center. It asks for the installation of enhanced security lighting, security cameras, relocating the portable bleacher seats to the front of the park, installing black-colored chain link fencing around the grassy section of the park. The petition also asks to increase the police department budget to ensure that sufficient funds are available to the police department to provide an enhanced presence at the park. 

Credit: None
Residents asking for increased security after two shootings in nine months at the park.

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