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'It shouldn't take this long' | North Park neighbors concerned over squatters

Residents say they've tried resolving it with San Diego Police and the city, but so far haven't made much progress.

SAN DIEGO — Residents in North Park say they're worried about the squatters who have moved into a building in their neighborhood. They've tried resolving it with the city and police, but so far say they haven't made much progress.

"We live in this great neighborhood and that's what you hear in the middle of the night is screaming and fighting," said a neighbor.

Neighbors we spoke with asked to not show their faces because of safety reasons. They say squatters moved into the property after it caught fire back in January.

"It's crazy to me that we all work multiple jobs some of us and paying rent and these people are able to stay here for free because they occupied an uninhabitable building," said one of the nearby residents.

Several homes and apartments share the same alley with the building. Neighbors have worked to document everything, taking photos and videos. They've called the police multiple times and had to most recently on Monday because of a fight among the squatters. Neighbors say they have also been in touch with a city community relations officer, building and land use enforcement and nuisance abatement.

"They're all trying. They're all doing something but their hands are tied because of whatever the laws are that are in effect right now it's making it hard for even them," a resident said.

According to California law, squatters may establish tenancy rights after 30 days and need a formal eviction to be removed.

"It's a lot of red tape that's been keeping it from being resolved. In the meantime, I'm being woken up at night. Everyone is feeling uneasy, unsafe."

CBS 8 reached out to Councilmember Stephen Whitburn's office. He represents the North Park area. 

Whitburn's office said in a statement:

"This squatting situation is unacceptable, and we are working with the neighborhood to resolve it as soon as possible. We are actively coordinating with the Police Department and the City Attorney. These matters can be legally complex, but my office has solved similar problems elsewhere, and we will take care of this one too.” 

WATCH RELATED: History of concerns at abandoned home that caught fire in North Park

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