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'Porch Pirate' that caused a nuisance in a neighborhood for a year receives sentence

Frustration grew for an Oak Park neighborhood who fell victim several times to a package and identity thief. Now the suspect is being held accountable.

SAN DIEGO — A woman who harassed a neighborhood, stole packages, private information and trust has been criminally sentenced.

“You have been a nuisance to everyone in this neighborhood,” said Judge Dwayne Moring.

The judge addressed Rasheda Kimberly Dockery, during her sentencing hearing on Tuesday. 

She was in custody after she failed to appear on her initial sentencing hearing on charges related to identity theft in Oak Park and Webster neighborhoods.   

“She has, I’m sure stolen well over a hundred letters and packages,” said Bruce Thompson.

He lives in an Oak Park neighborhood where he says 18 months ago he befriended Dockery.

“This woman named Kim, came to my front door and claimed to be homeless and needed food over the next few weeks. I bought her food and clothing and a cellphone,” said Thompson.

But he says Dockery stole his trust and targeted his neighbors who told him Dockery harassed them and even assaulted a man.

“She’s used people’s credit cards, apparently social security numbers,” said Thompson.

The retired neighbor says he worked for a year to get Dockery charged but she would get arrested and be released and go back to stealing packages in their community.

In February, he reached out to CBS 8 for help.

“I want citizens in San Diego to know our criminal justice system is broken,” said Thompson in February.

CBS 8 has been Working for You since we heard from Thompson..

Police told us they were also frustrated with the laws but said their hands were tied with staffing shortages, overcrowded jails and Prop 47.

The ballot measure was approved in 2014 which dropped some low-level, non-violent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors including retail theft under $950. There is an effort to change the law.

“I would hope the criminal justice system can see that she can’t be trusted,” said Thompson.

Eventually, Dockery was arrested and charged with three felony counts of identity theft against more than ten people.

“I want everyone who is a victim to know there are consequences for your behavior,” said Judge Moring.

He specifically pointed out how Thompson, a neighborhood watchman, would show up to her court hearings to ensure Dockery was held accountable.

The judge considered the total of 300 plus days Dockery served in jail for felony cases and sentenced Dockery to two years felony probation.

“Probation is here to help you address your mental health issues and housing,” said Judge Moring.

Thompson is relieved there is accountability but feels probation won’t keep her from stealing.

“I still want is best for her and also what is best for the neighbors and there needs to be a point where the law steps in and protects society from people who are committing crimes,” said Thompson.

Dockery also agreed to the stay away orders in Oak Park and Webster neighborhoods.

A status hearing on her probation will be held in September.

WATCH RELATED: Frustration with criminal justice system is high after 'porch pirate' targets Oak Park neighborhood

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