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Reports of retail theft increase in El Cajon

El Cajon PD says reported thefts under $400 increased almost 60% in the first half of 2024 compared to the same time last year.

EL CAJON, Calif. — The City of El Cajon is filled with local businesses and large retailers but some of them have been victims of crime.

In 2023, El Cajon Police Department saw 174 cases reported from January to June. This year, theft reports jumped to 324 cases during the same period. 

“Businesses are something people work hard for and for somebody to just ruin it you know it kinda sucks,” Barbershop Owner  Luis Diego Flores said. 

In downtown El Cajon, some businesses are taking steps to prevent crime like Flores. 

“I mean we have cameras so that protect us and that gives me 24-hour surveillance of the shop so that makes me feel a little secure,” Flores said.  

Flores is not alone, across the street is a boutique with eye-catching dresses. Store owner Janet Namo tells CBS 8 that her business has an alarm system. 

A survey by Lending Tree shows 90 percent of recent shoplifters say they committed the crime due to inflation and the current economy. 

In an effort to help retailers, ECPD Chief Michael Moulton connected with retailers in February and encouraged them to report all theft related crimes. 

“We didn't actually think there was a rise in retail theft, what we felt was that in 2023 that there was an under-reporting of retail theft,” El Cajon Police Department Public Information Officer Lt. Keith MacArthur said.  

ECPD explains that they will use every resource available to hold criminals accountable. To view the full press release visit elcajon.gov

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