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San Diego votes to close Point La Jolla and Boomer Beach in an effort to protect sea lions

San Diego City Council voted unanimously to approve an amendment to close the beach to people and dogs year-round after an increase in reports of harassment.

SAN DIEGO — A rocky crop of beaches in La Jolla will be closed year-round soon to protect the growing number of sea lions from harassment by beachgoers.

During a September 18 meeting, San Diego city council members voted unanimously to approve an amendment to the city's municipal code and close Point La Jolla and portions of Boomer Beach to people and dogs year-round as a precaution against humans interacting with California Sea Lions. Monday's vote was the first of two readings. In at least two weeks, city council will return to reaffirm its vote before the amendment is passed to Mayor Todd Gloria. If he approves the amendment, it will go into affect 30 days after Gloria signs it into law.

During Monday's council hearing, city staff said the closure is needed in order to prevent injury, possible abandonment of sea lion offspring, as well as aggressive behavior from adult sea lions.

The problems of people getting too close to the pinnipeds are not new. 

In 2021, the city filed an emergency permit to the California Coastal Commission to close the beach from August 2021 through September after reports, according to city documents, of "harassment and problematic interactions."

Under the new proposal, Boomer Beach will be closed to beach activities but open to swimming and water activities while north of that, the stretch of coast north from Ellen Browning Scripps Park to the far side of Point La Jolla will be closed to beach and ocean access. 

In addition to shutting off access to people, the ordinance also closes the beach to dogs, as well. 

In recent months, CBS 8 reported on a number of reports of people getting dangerously close to sunbathing sea lions at the point. Videos from those interactions show people moving within inches of the pinnipeds in order to take selfies. In one video, a lifeguard was heard ordering a young girl to stop throwing things at an unsuspecting sea lion.

Under the new proposal, Boomer Beach will be closed to beach activities but open to swimming and water activities while north of that, the stretch of coast north from Ellen Browning Scripps Park to the far side of Point La Jolla will be closed to beach and ocean access. 

Credit: City of San Diego


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