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Free dumpster clean up sites open as San Diego County flood clean up continues

If you have been impacted by Monday’s floods and need to fill out a survey, they are tracking how many people fill them out to determine if FEMA can offer aid.

NATIONAL CITY, Calif. — Evelyn Martinez and seven other family members all live in one home in National City which faced substantial destruction from the floods, resulting in the loss of nearly everything and leaving her two little cousins distraught. 

"It's been really tough, emotionally. The boys, who lost everything, they were crying," she said.

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National City’s Mayor Ron Morrison showed up at Martinez' door Saturday offering some help. Mayor Morrison spent the rest of the day going door to door helping numerous people living in National City loading up debris and taking it to one of the dumpster clean up sites.

"All hands on deck are needed," said JoAnn Fields, Government PR Director of API Initiative.

Many cars lined up at two locations, El Toyon Park and Euclid Avenue, as numerous volunteers assisted in disposing of flood-damaged garbage into large dumpsters.

"Folks are in a generous mood and filled with love. They are giving to their neighbors, loving their neighbors as themselves, it’s a beautiful thing," said Bruce Williams, District 4 Ombudsman.

"We are still digging out. Families aren't back in their homes. They haven’t eaten at their homes, and they are still in standing water," said Selena Ellis-Vizcarra who had her car totaled in the flood waters and was at Jacob Center to help out others. 

Meanwhile, many people, like Martinez, still need more help as the cleanup continues. 

"We need beds, some blankets as well, and clothes, just anything.  We are very appreciative for people in the community," said Martinez. 

If you have been impacted by Monday’s floods in any shape or form and need to fill out a survey. San Diego leaders are tracking how many people fill out the survey so they can meet the threshold which determines if FEMA can offer financial assistance.

Click here to fill out the survey. 

WATCH RELATED: Mountain View residents put life on pause to prioritize flood clean up

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