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Hire Heroes USA, San Diego chapter helps veterans, spouses find employment

Hire Heroes USA is focused on empowering veterans and their spouses to succeed in the civilian workforce. The nonprofit has an office in Liberty Station.

SAN DIEGO — Employment assistance is the top service requested from military adjusting to civilian life. One nonprofit based in San Diego County is making a difference for service men and women transitioning out of the military.

Hire Heroes USA is focused on empowering veterans and their spouses to succeed in the civilian workforce. The nonprofit has an office in Liberty Station. Todd Yates, its Area Manager West, found his place with the organization after he retired from the Navy.

“It’s incredibly rewarding, I can’t imagine doing anything else,” Yates said. “Regardless of your rank, whether you’re an E1 or an O6, everyone goes through those same challenges when it comes to getting out of the military and figuring out how to translate that experience and figuring out how to make that next step."

Yates served in the Navy for 21 years as a rescue swimmer and helicopter air crewman, retiring in 2018, he remembers the challenges he faced during the transition.

“I hadn’t done a job interview in over 21 years. I was familiar with social media but I wasn’t really familiar with LinkedIn,” said Yates. 

Then Yates heard about Hire Heroes USA and all the free help they provide to veterans, and he was floored by it.

“I was absolutely shocked that, not only would they write me a resume and help me with LinkedIn for free, but they also helped with career coaching and with tailoring the resume and helped with cover letters and really helped me figure out what I wanted to do,” Yates said.

When a job opportunity arose to actually work for the nonprofit helping veterans like himself, Yates jumped at the chance. He has helped about a thousand veterans and spouses here in San Diego find jobs.

“I wanted to help people pursue their dreams and do what they want to do,” Yates said. 

Hire Heroes USA receives funding in part from the Call of Duty Endowment, a 501(c)(3) that shares the same mission in placing as many vets as possible into high quality jobs.

“If you have a high-quality job, you can put a roof over your head, you have access to high-quality benefits, you have a better situation in terms of having colleagues around, which is better for mental health, and ultimately, you have a sense of purpose,” said Dan Goldenberg, Executive Director for Call of Duty Endowment.

For Yates, whose been through it himself, said he wants fellow veterans to know there is plenty of free help available to assist with their transition.

“Don’t pay for these services. There’s organizations out there that help to find, not just employment, but meaningful employment, and really set them up with a path for success when they leave the military,” Yates said.

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