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San Diego parishioners honor newly named Cardinal McElroy

In a consistory party, parishioners watched in awe as Pope Francis elevated Cardinal McElroy, San Diego's first bishop named a cardinal in a holy ceremony.

SAN DIEGO — San Diego parishioners who gathered Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Coronado for a consistory party say it's an incredible day watching Bishop Robert Walter McElroy elevated to Cardinal.

“This is a historic day for the Diocese San Diego,” said Father Michael Murphy, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Coronado

In a consistory party, parishioners watched in awe as Pope Francis elevated Cardinal McElroy.

This marks the first time a San Diego bishop was named a Cardinal in a holy ceremony at the Vatican.

“This was very compelling and interesting and filled with all of the specialness and holiness,” said Deacon Bob Griffin.

Parishioners say their admiration for Cardinal McElroy grew even stronger after watching the ceremony.

“I was just telling Father Mike how exciting it is to see Rome, to see all of our cardinals and bishops together and that sense of community that we belong to,” said Erika Rosas, Sacred Heart School Vice Principal.

The Pope named 20 churchmen to the Cardinal rank, McElroy is the only bishop in the U.S. to receive the scarlet biretta and at 68 years old, the youngest in this ceremony. 

The Pope chose 16 under 80 years old, which will be eligible to vote for his successor if he resigns or dies.

“The fact that our bishop is made one of the close advisors and has an ear of the Pope is very important. It shows Cardinal McElroy’s faith and discernment to guide the holy father,” said Murphy.

McElroy’s progressive beliefs are in line with the Pope but without controversy in the Catholic Church.

“I believe Bishop McElroy is cut for the same cloth that they have the same beliefs about engaging with the poor, immigrants, environment,” said Father Gilbert Gentile.

McElroy has been outspoken against excluding pro-choice politicians from holy communion and welcoming LGBTQ+ into the church.

“Pope Francis has said that the shepherds should smell like the sheep, in other words, be with the people not above the people and my sense is bishop, Cardinal McElroy is a man of the people,” said Gentile.

Parishioners echoed Gentile’s admiration for McElroy.

“When he speaks to us, he is a man of the people. He always speaks at everyone's level, kind and welcoming presentation, and a nice sense of humor,” said Mary Griffin.

As church membership declines globally, one of his top priorities is bringing in more young people to the church.

“Being young in the church there is still a lot, it hasn't grown old. For me it's going, it's vibrant, it's alive and there is a lot for me to still do,” said Rosas.

This was more than just a ceremony to honor the new College of Cardinals, it was a moment to grow and reflect on their faith and love for their church.

“We are just thrilled. We are so happy, it's a joyous church in San Diego,” said Fr. Murphy.

The church says Cardinal McElroy will remain in San Diego and looking to name another auxiliary bishop.

WATCH RELATED: 'Stunned and deeply surprised' | San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy chosen as Cardinal by Pope Francis 


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