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Second safe sleeping site opens in San Diego this weekend

Mayor's office said "O Lot" has capacity to hold 400 tents.

SAN DIEGO — Mayor Todd Gloria announced the "O Lot" safe sleeping site will open on Saturday, October 21 with the capacity to shelter up to 800 unhoused individuals. 

The site is located at the edge of Balboa Park near the Naval Medical Center. A total of 21 people are scheduled to move in this weekend.

"This is the city's latest major step in our efforts to address homelessness in San Diego," said Mayor Gloria during a news conference.

Friday morning, staff members shuttled members of the media to the site for a tour.

Rows and rows of red "Eskimo" tents sat on 3-inch platforms across the property. The city says the insulated tents will keep people cool in the hot weather and warm in the cold weather. 

Couples will be allowed to stay at the site. People can also bring their pets and belongings.

The city said meals will be provided, laundry, and showers, as well as services to help unhoused people get back on their feet.

A shuttle will bring people downtown and back. 

Mayor Gloria made it clear, that you must have a referral to stay at the site. You cannot just show up and walk in.

"This is for our community's unsheltered population. This is for our homeless population," he said. "The pathways to get into this facility is through our coordinated outreach team, the 50-some people working every day, contacting homeless people across the city to encourage them to accept services. Those are the primary folks. San Diego Police Department is also a way folks can access this site. But you can't just show up here travel here and expect to have a tent here. That's not happening."

The O Lot, just like the 20th and B safe sleeping site, is temporary. Mayor Gloria estimates it will remain open anywhere from 18-24 months. 

The mayor said the city is looking at other sites for housing options including H Barracks located near the airport.

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