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State bill that could legalize lowrider cruising in California advances to Governor's desk

The United Lowriders Coalition in National City made history when they helped lift the ban locally. Now, the same coalition could accomplish it statewide.

SAN DIEGO — “California would be the only state and that’s another historical win,” said Jovita Arellano with the Lowriders coalition. She and the group are one step closer to another historical win.  

They were able to get the cruising ban in National City lifted—making history locally. Now, a bill written by the same coalition, with the help of Assemblymember David Alvarez could bring those same accomplishments statewide. 

“The first state that is going to be able to remove all the cruising bans in every single city,” said Arellano. 

California is considered the birthplace of lowriders. It represents a cultural identity for many Chicanos. However, cruising bans remain active in areas like Los Angeles, Santa Ana, and Fresno. 

For many, they’ve gone decades without cruising in their own cities.

“Why should we be arrested for driving or even fined a thousand dollars?” said Marissa Rosales, who is also part of the organization.  

She even has a tattoo of AB 436, Rosales says the ink is ready for Governor Gavin Newsom to sign the bill. The bill would also remove restrictions that stop people from modifying their cars too close to the ground. 

Some cruisers believe the bill is a pathway for a new generation. 

“This is going to open everything for my kids, I was a kid when I started cruising down highland,” said Deanna Garcia who has been a member of the coalition. 

The governor could sign the bill in the next 15 days, but the coalition is asking the public for help. 

“Submit a letter and ask the governor to sign it,” said Arellano. 

If it is signed into law, the United Lowriders Coalition is planning to celebrate the win in Sacramento.  

“Cruise around the capitol, maybe even put the governor in one of the cars,” said Arellano.

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