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Videos show violence, stealing in Little Italy, Balboa Park on Go Skateboarding Day

People want to know: who will stop things like this from happening in San Diego?

SAN DIEGO — Two videos posted to social media week on International Go Skateboarding Day, shows groups of skateboarders involved in fights and stealing around San Diego. 

Now, people in San Diego want to know, who will stop things like this from happening in our city?

A fight Wednesday afternoon broke out at Balboa Park’s iconic fountain, just outside the Fleet Science Center. Eyewitnesses told CBS 8 there were more than 200 people part of what they describe as an angry mob with families and children trying to get away. 

William Dorsett is a spray paint artist who was setting up in Balboa Park late Wednesday afternoon when he heard a commotion. He got out his camera and started recording. 

“I felt like something exciting was happening. They were cheering each other on. It got out of hand real quick," Dorsett said.

William’s daughter, Cat Pike, was at the park with him. She says she actually went into the and saw two people at the center of a fight. 

“I see 2 guys, the adult and the minor, headlocking each other with their ankles. And then the adult grabs the kid by the ankle and just doesn’t let go, is biting the kid by the ankle. And then all of his other friends pull his hair or pull the adult by the hair and then he's still not letting go so they start punching him, kicking his face. It was a lot," Pike said.

Several minutes into William’s video, you see a person on the ground. 

“He limps forward and then he gets lightheaded because he did get hit in the face quite a bit and he falls to the ground and smacks his head and goes unconscious for a few minutes. And then the rangers asked him if he needs help," Pike said.

Dorsett and Pike both say Balboa Park Rangers were watching but did nothing to stop it. 

“They could have stopped it before it got that bad, but no one did or has the authority too," Dorsett said.

CBS 8 reached out to Balboa Park security. 

Jose Ysea with the Citty of San Diego says park rangers are not law enforcement. Rangers are not armed, they are there to help visitors. If it turns into a violent situation, they call San Diego police.  

A man in Little Italy posted a video of a group of skateboarders running into a 7-Eleven off Beech and State Streets. They grab everything they can from inside and run out. This happened Wednesday, the same day as the Balboa Park fight.  

“It was Go Skate Day and last year they had cops that followed them around and would stick with them just like you would a protest because that's essentially what it is," Dorsett said.

This year, the man hurt in Balboa Park had no one until he was down and covered in blood. Then Rangers came, dispersed the crowd, and called police. 

In Dorsett's video you can hear him screaming as he lies on the ground. The man can be heard yelling, “Leave me alone! I backed off! You still didn’t stop!” 

CBS 8 reached out to the San Diego Police Department and they said they are investigating and will have more information next week. 

WATCH RELATED: San Diego mayor says homeless camps ruin Balboa Park 



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