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CBS 8 checks in on water leak, road repair project in Oak Park

We're Working For You on a year-long issue that wasn't addressed until we reached out for answers.

SAN DIEGO — CBS 8 has been Working For You to get a water line fixed that had been leaking for a year in Oak Park. We've learned that the city says they permanently fixed the pipe and the damage to the road.

A year of complaints on the City’s Get It Done app and neighbors were fed up with Timothy Road covered in water from an underground waterline leak.

“It’s been a year. I have videos that date back a year. I’ve got videos from July, August, December,” said Dan Marty in July.

He shared videos of water seeping through Timothy Drive in Oak Park damaging the road and eroding his driveway.

“The City should be responsible for this,” said Marty.

Neighbor Trish Olow says her concerns to the City were ignored until CBS 8 started ‘Working for You.’ In July we asked the City what was going on and that night crews showed up to repair the water line.

“I’m pretty sure it was News 8 calling,” said Olow.

The waterline was repaired but the road work was only temporary.

On July 2, a City of San Diego Public Works Department spokesperson e-mailed a detailed statement in part, “The road repair is a temporary patch and has been referred to the City’s transportation department to complete the permanent road repair, which will likely take place within 30 working days.”

It’s been a month, so we went back to check it out.

“I mean, they did fix a problem, they did fix the leak, but the street is patchy, it doesn’t look good,” said Chris Toulouse, Oak Park homeowner.

CBS 8 followed up with the City who says “A City Transportation department crew completed their trench-repair work, meaning the cold mix asphalt has been replaced, and it is structurally sound.”

“I’m hoping that they will come pave the road and make the neighborhood look nice again,” said Toulouse.

CBS 8 took Toulouse’s concerns to the City. A spokesperson says Timothy Drive is not currently listed on the City’s list of scheduled repaving projects. However,  CBS 8 found the road is part of the $15 million Oak Park Capital Improvement project that will replace 11-thousand linear feet of existing water pipelines.

“Good job. Thank you. We got the work done. They still need to be a little bit more work to be done but the leak is fixed. The road is patched. Hopefully, we can get it completed,” said Toulouse.

A City spokesperson says they often work from the bottom up and will resurface Timothy Drive after the underground waterline improvement project is complete.

A construction date has not been set but it could start in a year and half.

We’ll continue to ‘Work for You’ on any improvements or lack thereof.

“Thanks CBS for your hard work,” said Toulouse.

At CBS 8, we are always Working for You and our community. This is a station promise that we will go the extra mile to solve a problem our audience can’t solve themselves. We want to hear your ideas on how we can cover and help our community. If you have a story idea, please email us at workingforyou@cbs8.com

WATCH RELATED: San Diego residents see progress on Oak Park water leak, with CBS 8's help


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