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Disastrous dog park has money for repairs, but city hasn’t fixed it

Dog owners say few people use the park anymore because it’s too dangerous for their pets.

SAN DIEGO — The Rancho Bernardo Community Off-Leash Dog Park used to be packed with pooches and people, but not anymore. What was once a grassy, fun play area for dogs is now covered with dirt, burrs and holes. 

”We had people who would come after work,” said RB resident Linda Hickman. “They would meet. They would make connections. They would have fun and nobody comes anymore. And it's very, very sad.”

Hickman is beyond frustrated with the situation at the dog park, which includes a water fountain that hasn’t worked all summer. “It breaks my heart,” she said.

Adding to the frustration, the City of San Diego has the money to fix it. They got a $500,000 state grant five years ago specifically to make the 2.66 acre dog park nice again. Back in 2022, people who use the park were told all the work would be completed by this October, but that's just weeks away and no work has even started. 

“Not acceptable,” Linda said. “Especially when we have the money.”

And it's not just Linda. Several dog owners say they've contacted the city trying to figure out what's going on. 

“They won't give us any information at all,” said Debbie Ledingham.

Working for You, CBS 8 has learned there's roughly $350,000 left from the $500,000 state grant. 

Ledingham, who has been coming to the park for 15 years, wants people to know what's going on out there, but she's sharing her story with trepidation. 

“Whenever we complain about something, or try to work with them to have it improved, then they retaliate and they do something - usually they shut it down so we can't get in.”

CBS 8 reached out to Councilwoman Marni Von Wilpert's office. They told us they were forwarding our request for information to the City's Park and Recreation Department and would get back to us with a statement, but well past our Sept. 11 deadline there was still no response. The dog owners weren't surprised. 

“We've sent her emails, we contacted her, I've called her,” Hickman said. “She does not return my calls.”

Von Wilpert's office responded to our initial request on Sept. 13 and stated, in part: 

"The dog park is only a portion of a much larger Rancho Bernardo Community Park Capital Improvement Project. The Dog Park Improvements are currently included in Phase I of the overall project, which is currently in the design phase. Our office has and will continue to push the departments to move the dog park project forward. 

In addition, our office has communicated with Mrs. Hickman about this project directly via phone and email last year. Then, our office connected Mrs. Hickman with our Rancho Bernardo area parks and rec staff, and we've been included on Mrs. Hickman's ongoing communications with the Parks and Rec staff. We are happy to continue communicating with Mrs. Hickman, and any other resident, on how we can all work together to move this important dog park project forward."

At CBS 8, we are always Working for You and our community. This is a station promise that we will go the extra mile to solve a problem our audience can’t solve themselves. We want to hear your ideas on how we can cover and help our community. If you have a story idea, please email us at workingforyou@cbs8.com.

WATCH RELATED: This San Diego dog park was named best in America

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