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Man will attempt 57 adventures in 57 hours on his 57th birthday

Michael Harlow will attempt world record birthday adventure between August 23-25.

SAN DIEGO — A San Diego man will attempt to set a world record by completing 57 adventures in 57 hours on his 57th birthday. 

In this Zevely Zone, I met the birthday boy and his number-one side kick. 

Michael Harlow is an adventure travel blogger. "An adventure to me is stepping out of your comfort zone," said Michael.  

To celebrate his 57th birthday, he'll complete 57 adventures in 57 hours.

Credit: The Adventure Travelers

"The first thing I am going to do is skydive out of a perfectly good plane," said Michael. 

He will begin by jumping out of an airplane over the Otay Mountain Wilderness. From there, he and his team will travel to Carlsbad to continue completing 57 adventures, heading southbound on the San Diego County coastline. 

He will do beach cleanups with the Surfrider Foundation and be a surf instructor to people with disabilities with Limitless Adventures.  

Credit: The Adventure Travelers

Michael will also jet ski and much more. 

"Kayak, SCUBA, snorkel with sharks, then later on that night I am going to go hunt for rattlesnakes," said Michael. "

We are not going to hunt them, we are not going to kill them we are just looking for them." 

He will do it all in 57 hours, so he will be on a deadline. 

"One hundred percent. I do have enough time to go to sleep," said Michael.  

But after a little shut-eye, he'll go ax throwing and still hope to live to see age 58. "Yes, I hope so," said Michael. 

His wife Melissa says she knew what she was signing up for. "I knew this about him when I married him because, on his Match.com profile, he said I want to marry a woman who will go sailing around the world with me," said Melissa.  

Credit: The Adventure Travelers

They did just that in 2016 when they sold everything they owned and bought a boat. They sailed to the South Pacific and back. 

"I am not only doing it for me, I am doing it for other people," said Michael. "I used to be this high-powered vice-president of a half-a-billion-dollar company." 

Michael and Melissa used to own an elder care business that taught them this lesson. 

"Basically, live while you are alive. A lot of the older people were saying I have so many regrets and we just decided to give up our amazing jobs," said Michael.

"People always wait until they have the perfect job or when they retire," said Melissa. "But you know you have to just put your date on the calendar and he made me put the date on the calendar finally."

Credit: The Adventure Travelers

As for Michael's 57 adventures, they will start on August 23rd. 

"If I can do it. You can do it," said Michael. 

So, on your next birthday, no matter your age, Michael wants you to go for it. 

"If I can do 57 adventures, then they can do at least one adventure," said Michael who has secured over 23 sponsors who have donated the use of their sporting and adventure equipment, food, camera equipment, and other adventures.  

Credit: The Adventure Travelers

"As a longtime San Diego resident, I have raised my beautiful daughter, found the love of my life, and gained an incredible son, all while trying to support an adventure lifestyle. After years of wondering, months of planning, and hours of connecting details with places, people, and my amazing support team, it's here. I finally put my date on the calendar for 57 Adventures in 57 Hours in San Diego," said Michael. "I'll be pushing my physical and emotional limits while experiencing the diverse landscapes and adventures of San Diego. From massive to micro, the adventures will take social media viewers on a journey with me as I experience, post, and promise to finish all 57 Adventures."

"On August 23rd, 2024, at 1 PM, the Adventure starts and will end after the last Adventure is complete on August 25th, my 57th birthday," said Michael. To follow his world record attempt, click here.

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