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Alpine community rallies to support 7-year old girl fighting leukemia

The "Flip for Kennedy" fundraising event is Saturday, Oct. 5 at Gym Trix in Alpine.

ALPINE, Calif. — Alpine community members are stepping up to support a 7-year old girl recently diagnosed with leukemia. In this Zevely Zone, I learned about how you can participate in several upcoming fundraisers to help Kennedy Carver-Ewert. 

Last month, the second grader thought she had twisted her ankle while cheerleading because it was aching. 

"I had to spread my legs really far for it and my cheer shoes were kind of rubbing on my ankle," said Kennedy.

Credit: Faith for Kennedy

When her mother, Jaynae, took Kennedy to see the doctor, the family was shocked by the diagnosis. 

"'Your daughter has leukemia,' and in that moment, truthfully, I think I blacked out," said Jaynae. 

Kennedy was immediately admitted to the hospital to start what will be a rigorous three year fight. 

"Everything was so urgent, within hours we were getting treatment," said Jaynae.

Credit: Faith for Kennedy

Family friend launches GoFundMe

"I don't want to them to be alone," said Jenn Stockbridge. 

The close family friend helped launch a GoFundMe page for Kennedy. 

"She is incredible," Stockbridge said. "To be 7 years old and have to face something so scary she is so brave, she is so strong."

Credit: Faith for Kennedy

Families are invited to attend the Flip for Kennedy fundraiser on Saturday, Oct. 5 from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. The fundraiser will be held at Gym Trix at 2358 Tavern Road in Alpine. The cost is $25 per child, and all proceeds will go directly to the family.

There is also a Blood Drive for Kennedy on Saturday, Oct. 12 from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will be held at the Gym Trix parking lot at 2358 Tavern Road in Alpine. 

Any blood type is welcome and will help add units to Kennedy's bank, alleviating any costs for the family. With the community's help, Kennedy's future blood transfusions will be free. 

Her father, Mark, is grateful for the community's kindness. 

"Insurance only covers so much. It's a specialty care, it's not a regular doctor's visit when we go in. Medications are expensive, hospital stays are expensive," said Mark.  

Credit: Faith for Kennedy

This is why so many community members want the family to know they are not alone. 

"I love them with all of my heart. They are very, very, dear to me, I look at Kennedy as if she is one one of my grandchildren," said Jenn, who is also helping to organize a Faith for Kennedy Fundraiser on Saturday, Nov. 16, from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. The event will take place at the Cromwell Home Group located at 2538 Alpine Blvd in Alpine and will include food, drinks, a live auction, a silent auction, and raffle items. 

If you would like to donate any "Auction Ready Baskets," please reach out to Jenn Stockbridge, at 619-654-0745, or Chase Cromwell at 619-954-5758. ALL proceeds from this event will go directly to the family.

With a 97% chance at a full recovery, this brave second grader reminds us all to have Faith for Kennedy. 

"It was kind of scary in the first place but once they told me more about it I knew a little," said Kennedy. 

Her mother and father want to thank the community for its love and support. 

"My daughter will be healthy, lifted up by all the prayer," said Jaynae.

If you'd like to make a donation, click here.

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