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Brother Benno's 'Volunteer of the Year' helps rescue two million pounds of food for the hungry

Santa Claus look-a-like, John Caterino, spreads goodwill and joy wherever he goes.

OCEANSIDE, Calif. — A non-profit organization in Oceanside wants you to meet a special person helping families in need. 

In this Zevely Zone, I met Brother Benno's Volunteer of the Year. John Caterino. 

"We're all superstars right," said Caterino with a big laugh. 

Brother Benno's is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving homeless and financially challenged adults and families by offering essential meals, addressing basic needs, fostering community outreach and supporting addiction recovery.

Credit: Brother Benno's Volunteer of the Year

For the past thirteen years, Caterino has volunteered for Brother Benno's, devoting up to 40 hours a week. He has been described as a mix between Santa Claus and Jerry Garcia. "Ha, ha, I do play Santa Claus at Christmas time," laughed Caterino. 

Instead of a sled, Caterino drives a truck for Brother Benno's. "We make 13 stops a day. I start my day at 5:30 am," said Caterino.  

His work supports Brother Benno's food program, which preserves two million pounds of food annually from local grocery stores and markets and helps provide food-insecure guests with a daily hot breakfast, Monday through Friday, brunch on Saturday and boxes of nonperishable food.

Credit: Brother Benno's Volunteer of the Year

The nonprofit organization collects surplus food from grocery stores and restaurants to feed hungry families. 

"I feel very rewarded, I have had a blessed life," said Caterino. 

After retiring from the water department, Caterino really poured it on by asking Brother Benno's how could he help. 

"They handed me the keys, there's a truck, good luck," said John.

Years ago, John himself was in need after getting laid off from his job. 

"Makes you humble to know where is my next check coming from. It ain't coming. Where's my next meal? Mom, dad? Ha. What are you cooking tonight," said Caterino. 

He has learned a lot of families don't have a safety net like he did. 

"I've seen families living in cars," said Caterino . "It breaks my heart, as you can see this is one stop, and all food that before was thrown in a landfill."

Credit: Brother Benno's Volunteer of the Year

Restaurants like Chick-fil-A in Oceanside are part of his daily route of goodwill. 

"Well, for people who don't have money and need a meal they can say hey I went to Chick-fil-A today right," said Caterino. 

It won't surprise you to hear, that Caterino was awarded Brother Benno's Volunteer of the Year.

Although he works for free, he would be first to tell you his reward is seeing the non-profit's food pantry, thrift shop, and addiction recovery program turn lives around. 

"When you come down there and you see people getting razor blades, people getting shampoo, young mothers getting formula, it makes me feel good that we are helping someone that needs help," said Caterino.

Credit: Brother Benno's Volunteer of the Year

In the past 40 years, Brother Benno's provided nearly five million meals to the hungry.  Maybe Caterino really is Santa Claus. We won't tell anyone. 

"Okay, ho, ho, ho," said John.  

Since it began, Brother Benno's has provided

· 4,998,403 meals.

· 1,554,414 articles of clothing.

· 291,100 showers.

· 394,849 meal boxes.

· 4,108,495 pounds of food rescued from landfills.

· 1,027,244 hugs.

Brother Benno's now offers indoor showers, for both men & women, six days a week onsite at the Brother Benno's Center (and headquarters) located at 3260 Production Avenue, Oceanside.  The shower needs improvement so Brother Benno's is having a "Power of the Shower" capital fundraiser.  To make a donation or for more information, click here.

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