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San Diego beauty queen will compete for 'Senora Curvy' of the world

Contestants proud to be Latina, curvy and plus sized beauty queens.

SAN DIEGO — In September, a San Diego plus-size beauty queen will compete in Peru for the title of Senora Curvy International. 

In this Zevely Zone, I met two pageant contestants who stepped out of their comfort zones. It was back in March at the Hotel Del Coronado when a group of Latina women competed in the first ever 'Senora Curvy USA' pageant.

Credit: 'Senora Curvy USA'

"We are all curvy, plus-sized girls in this contest," said Nelly Cervantes. 

I asked two of the contestants if they had ever entered a pageant before. "I personally had not. This was my first pageant," said 42-year-old Vianey Rivera. 

Nonetheless, she and 46-year-old Nelly Cervantes attacked the catwalk with reckless abandon. 

"I decided to do it because as part of my New Year's Resolution, I thought I am going to get out of my comfort zone and I am going to do stuff that I've never done before," said Nelly.

Credit: 'Senora Curvy USA'

In the talent portion of the contest, Nelly performed standup comedy and demanded audience participation. "Call me fat," said Nelly. When the audience did just that she responded, "I'm fluffy-liscious."

Credit: 'Senora Curvy USA'

As for Vianey, she didn't know what to expect. "It was definitely out of my comfort zone because you say at this age, I'm too old for this," said Vianey. 

Yet, there she was unafraid to hit the high note. She sang a song for the talent segment of the contest that brought down the house.

"This is truly a statement that goes to beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It all depends on how you look at what is beautiful to you. Is it the look, the person, or the courage that a human being has?" said Vianey.  

Credit: 'Senora Curvy USA'

Every Senora Curvy contestant received a crown. "We became a sisterhood," said Nelly. "You find yourself and you find your best friend there." 

To Nelly and Vianey's surprise, they placed very well in the contest. "I go dude it's you, it's you, dude it's you," said Nelly when she realized Vianey was going to win.  

"I was crowned Senora Curvy Latina USA, and this is my second runner up," said Vianey while proudly pointing to Nelly.   

Long live the 'Senora Curvy Queens'! "Beauty has no size," said Nelly. In September, Vianey will travel to Peru to compete for Senora Curvy International.  For more pageant information, click here.

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