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San Diego cyclist invents a locker for your bike

'Velocker' is a lightweight aluminum lockable box for cyclists on the go.

SAN DIEGO — A San Diego inventor has an idea he hopes can help save the planet. In this Zevely Zone, I went to North Park to introduce you to the Velocker. 

Electric bikes allow cyclists to travel farther and faster, but a San Diego inventor thought a critical piece of the puzzle was still missing. 

"I am trying to make it so people can get around without cars," said Brian Hoffman who grew up loving bicycles and the earth and takes both very seriously.

"There's not really been a concentrated effort for people really to use bikes for transportation," said Brian.

Credit: Velocker

A lot of people ride electric bikes for fun, but Brian believes a cycling revolution is just spinning its wheels if people can't carry their stuff. 

"This is called the Velocker," said Brian. He invented a lightweight aluminum box that mounts to most bicycles. 

"You cannot remove it from the bicycle, you'd have to steal the whole bicycle," said Brian.

Credit: Velocker

As for cargo space? "Two bicycle helmets will fit in there, you know you could fit a week's worth of groceries," said Brian. "50 beers with ice." Velockers also have removeable lids. "What it does is it creates a way where you can have a person sit up here," said Brian. 

Credit: Velocker

Or if you really want to have some fun, Brian says you can take your dog for a ride. "This is Otis, our stunt dog, he is our secret weapon," said Brian who rides 40 miles a day.  

Credit: Velocker

Since 2018, Brian has sold about one hundred Velockers. 

"We are at a point where we are getting ready to set up a factory to manufacture these things," said Brian. 

Velockers start at $350.

Brian calls them a one-time buy-in as this will help people lower their carbon footprints for years. "Electric bikes are really the only way we can get there. We cannot get there without electric bikes," said Brian.

The North Park resident hopes to sell hundreds of thousands of Velockers in the next five years and if you think that sounds like a dream. "I think it's a dream to help one person get out of their car and onto a bicycle, that's a dream to me," said Brian. 

For more information about the Velocker, click here.


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