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Dog Walker makes a million dollars doing what she loves

Kristin Morrison wants to teach you how to get rich walking dogs

SAN MARCOS, Calif. — How would you like to make a million dollars walking dogs? In this Zevely Zone, I unloaded my Labradoodle named Raleigh on real puppy pro.  "Hi, Jeff I'm Kristin," said Kristin Morrison.  I replied, "Hi, Kristin, I'm Jeff. This is Raleigh and he's all yours!!" Away they went down the road together.

Kristin Morrison starting walking dogs in 1995, when walking dogs wasn't really a thing. "I would go to parties and I would say I own a pet sitting and dog walking business and people would say what? You do what? Is that a full time job? Or a hobby?" said Kristin.  

Credit: KFMB TV

Definitely not a hobby, in 2013 after making more than a million dollars walking dogs, Kristin sold her business and now helps others learn how to follow in her footsteps. "I love working with animals and I love working with people," said Kristin. She is the author of 5 books including, Six-Figure Pet Sitting, 30 Days to Start and Grow Your Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business, Six-Figure Pet Business, The Hiring Handbook for Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers and Prosperous Pet Business. Kristin has also hosted two decades of seminars and webinars teaching her trade to others. "When people say working like a dog I don't think that is true because dogs actually have that work life balance down," said Kristin. She has walked thousands of dogs and almost every one came with special instructions. "Did you have some high maintenance pet owners?" I asked. Kristin said, "Oh boy, yes, one lady had a 40 page book for me and her dogs walkers."

Hi! I'm Kristin Morrison. I'm a pet business success coach, a change agent for your business and life transformation, and founder of Six-Figure Pet Business Academy™. I created Six-Figure Pet Business Academy™ to help pet business owners like you launch or expand your pet business, make plenty of money doing work you love, and optimize ...

Kristin hosts a podcast called "Prosperous Pet Business," which offers a holistic approach to business including working with the mind, body and spirit, in addition to discussing key business skills such as marketing, hiring and starting or growing a business. Through the podcast, Kristin helps listeners to better understand what it takes to grow and sustain a successful pet business. Kristin sums up her business philosophy: "My approach with Six-Figure Pet Business Academy clients involves more than just working with the business, it's also about working with the person who is running the business. When business owners harness the power of a positive mindset with business knowledge, success can happen quickly and easily."

Credit: The Six-Figure Pet Business Academy

Kristin says being your own boss, working outdoors and getting paid to get exercise with animals was always a joy. Making a million dollars wasn't bad either even if it did take some patience. My dog has been yanking her up and down the street and around a park. "How do you do this?" I asked. Kristin said, "I know it is a lot of energy."

If you're looking for a new challenge in life Kristin's says her Six Figure Pet Sitting Academy can teach an old dog new tricks and possibly unleash your potential.

"Are you ready to go back to your dad?" Kristin said.  One spin around the park with this pro and my puppy, Raleigh, didn't want to go home.

If you'd like to learn more about how Kristin Morrison can help you get paid for walking dogs go to www.sixfigurepetbusinessacademy.com.

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